At UNEP, he co-founded the Playing for the Planet Alliance, a collaboration with the video gaming industry to nudge gamers’ behaviour and for the industry to use cleaner energy. He also oversees the work of UNEP’s to support Higher Education to decarbonise and shift the mindsets towards sustainability in universities across the world. Previously, Sam worked as Chief of Public Advocacy for UNEP where he ran all of the global campaigns on the issues of air quality, marine litter and wildlife crime. Before joining the UN, Sam was Director of Communications for Avaaz and Head of Press for Oxfam and he has a degree in Politics from Liverpool University and can be followed on Twitter at @samdbarratt.
Sam Barratt
Chief of Youth, Education and Advocacy
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Izzy works on policy areas ranging from the circular economy to decarbonisation.
Prior to joining BIT, Izzy worked at a social enterprise applying behavioural science to social and environmental challenges, and as a management consultant at a professional services firm. Izzy holds an MSc in Behaviour Change and BSc in Human Sciences from University College London.
Izzy Brennan
BIT Energy and Sustainability Team

Lizzie is a recent graduate from the University of Oxford, studying for an integrated Masters in Biology with a focus on pro-environmental behavioural interventions in her Master’s research project. Lizzie also has an interest in accounting for institutional impacts on Biodiversity and is an incoming research assistant in the Health Behaviours Team at the University of Oxford.
Lizzie Biggs
Student, Integrated Masters in Biology
University of Oxford

Vicky Aridi is a lawyer and the Youth Coordinator for Fairtrade Africa. As the Youth Coordinator for Fairtrade Africa, she heads and oversees programs on green jobs, food security and youth engagement across 33 countries in Africa and Middle East. She also serves as the youth engagement specialist for the United Nations Joint SDG Fund based in UN HQ in New York. She is also a generation unlimited young people action team member and sits on the UN Youth Envoys Global Youth 2030 comms steering committee
Vicki Aridi
Youth Coordinator
Fairtrade Africa

Mamo Boru Mamo
Director General
NEMA, Kenya
Mamo was recently recognised as the Africa's Public Sector CEO of the Year 2022 and the top 50 Africa Public Sector leader by the Africa Public Sector Conference in Accra, Ghana. The Agency he heads, NEMA was also recognised as the Environment regulator of year 2022.
Mamo Boru Mamo, EBS has over 20 years of experience in public service with 16 years of work experience at the National Environment Management authority (NEMA) having grown through the ranks to the position of Director General.
Mamo holds an MSc in Environmental Education from Kenyatta University and a Bachelor’s of science Degree from Egerton University. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in climate change and Sustainability at Kenyatta University. He is an alumni of International Leadership Program (IVLP) Washington DC (USA) in Water Resources Protection (2013)
He was appointed as the Director General following a competitive process on 13th August 2020.
Mamo was awarded Elder of Burning Spear (EBS) accolade by H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta on 16th December 2021

Joseph Bull is an ecologist, conservation scientist and practitioner, Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford, and co-founder of Wild Business Ltd. Joseph recently published an influential paper documenting the methodology for measuring the biodiversity footprint of the University of Oxford.
Joseph Bull
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology
University of Kent

Second Nature, a US-based non-profit with a mission to accelerate climate action in, and through, higher education. Prior to Second Nature, Dr. Carter was the founding director of Butler University’s Center for Urban Ecology (CUE). Dr. Carter received his Ph.D. in Ecology with distinction from the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia and completed his B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He lives in Cambridge, MA and is an avid coffee home-roaster.
Tim Carter
Second Nature

Mino has specialisms in plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology. Providence Women’s College is affiliated to the University of Calicut, and is one of the very first institutions to make the Nature Positive Pledge.
Minoo Divakaran
Associate Professor of Botany
Providence Women’s College, Kerala, India

Jon leads the Sustainability and Climate Change Unit that recently published the DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy. Jon is a Project Delivery Professional, an IPA approved High Risk Reviewer, a Chartered Civil Engineer, a registered ground engineering professional. He has a passion for innovative solutions and was awarded his Engineering Doctorate for novel numerical modelling techniques for complex geometry in geomechanics.
Johnathan Dewsbury
SRO Sustainability and Climate Change
UK Department for Education

Ramiro Fernández has more than 20 years working in sustainable development.
In he’s previous role he worked as Climate Change Director the Avina Foundation.
Since 2008 he has specialized in climate change and energy. With vast experience on participatory planning process on the energy sector and worked with national governments in the implementation of their commitments under the Paris Agreement.
In 2014 and 2015 he acted as senior advisor to the Minister of the Environment of Peru, as President of COP 20, and member of the Steering Committee of the “Lima Paris Action Agenda” at COP 21.
Ramiro is Vice-chair of the Advisory Council of the “Momentum for Change” initiative of the UNFCCC
Ramiro Fernández
Race to Zero

Robin Frederick
STARS & Resources Intern
Robin is a graduate student at the University of Louisville, pursuing a Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, concentration in Sustainability. She has been an advocate for AASHE and the STARS Reporting Framework since she was an undergraduate student at Indiana University Southeast, where she introduced the institution to AASHE and STARS. As an undergraduate student, Robin founded the Sustainability Club, Sustainability Fair, created a composting pilot project, and created a STARS student council to encourage students to participate with STARS reporting as well as introduce them to sustainability initiatives on campus. She also served as a liaison between the institution's surrounding communities, higher education institutions in the Kentuckiana Region, and sustainability stakeholders at her institution. To her, higher education is one of the most powerful tools and can be used to educate, motivate, and inspire students to contribute to sustainable patterns of living.

Fiona joined the EAUC team, in November 2005 and is responsible strategically for Member Services.
Fiona leads on key flagship initiatives such as the Climate Commission for Further and Higher Education, the Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, the Carbon Coalition and the Green Gown Awards.
Prior to joining EAUC, Fiona has gained experience working in a variety of charities, both regional and national, as well as working at a university.
Fiona Goodwin
Deputy CEO

Dr. Harashina received his Ph.D. from the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) in 1975. His specialty is environmental planning and policy, with a focus on the study of public participation and consensus building. He is well known both at home and abroad as the foremost scholar in the field of environmental impact assessment. Appointed Professor Emeritus at Tokyo Institute of Technology in April 2012, and President of Chiba University of Commerce in March 2017 (to present).
Dr Sachihiko Harashina
Chiba University of Commerce

Maki was formerly working for the dissemination of Sustainable Campus Assessment System at Hokkaido University until 2020 by cooperating with General Incorporated Association Campus Sustainability Network in Japan. She also coordinated interdisciplinary communication at the university to find triggers to engage more people to the campus sustainability projects and to collect the detailed information for the self-assessment of the campus. Prior to joining Hokkaido University, she was conducting research on sustainable energy system of rural areas like “Satoyama” woodlands in northeast Japan at Tohoku University.
Maki Ikegami
Research Administrator
Hiroshima University

Wu Jiang
Professor of Tongji University
Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development IESD
Prof. Wu Jiang served as the Executive Vice President of Tongji University, Vice Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University and simultaneously held the position of Assistant President and Director of Personnel Department. From February 2003 to October 2008 he served as Deputy Director for the Shanghai Urban Planning Administration Bureau. From January 2008 to February 2009 he held the position of Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Planning, Land and Resources Administration. Since 2005, he has served as the Director of the Office of Geographic Names, Director of the Architectural Society of China, Honorary Director of China Sculpture Society, Member of National Urban Sculpture Construction Steering Committee, Member of the Shanghai Cultural Relics Committee, Member of the Shanghai Historic District Commission for the Conservation of Historical Buildings, Deputy Director of the Expert Committee, and Vice-Chairman of the Architectural Society of Shanghai.
Prof. Wu Jiang has taught Western Architectural History and Theory and has conducted research on the history and protection of Shanghai’s modern architecture. He has written many monographs such as "Shanghai Century Architectural History," "Shanghai Alleys", and "Protection of Historical and Cultural Scene Area Planning and Management". He has published over 50 professional articles and completed more than 10 architectural design projects.
Professor Wu Jiang graduated from Tongji University with a major in Architecture in 1983. In 1986, he obtained the Master's Degree at Tongji University and was selected to join Tongji University’s teaching staff in the same year. The following year he began his doctoral study at Tongji University and completed his thesis in 1993 with the granted Ph.D degree.

Durga Kamat is an Environmental Architect by profession and pursued a master's degree in Environmental Architecture from the University of Pune, India (Dr Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture) in 2021. Her priority interest is in Green Buildings and Sustainable Architecture. She is an accredited professional certified by leading Green Building councils - LEED & IGBC (Indian Green Building Council). She is currently working as Project Executive at TERRE Policy Centre for the 'Smart Campus Cloud Network' a global project linking universities to make buildings in Campus of Higher Educational Institutes Carbon Neutral.
Durga Kamat
Project Executive
Project Smart Campus Cloud Network
TERRE Policy Centre, Pune

Samuel Kasaira
Climate Change Advocate, Lecturer Management Science Department
Makerere Business School, Uganda
Samuel is a lecturer at Makerere University Business School. He is the founder/ patron of Greenlyf_Network that works with University students 4Climate Actions and mentorship at Makerere University Business School.
Samuel holds a master's degree in Energy Economics and Governance, and Bachelors degree in Business Statistics from Makerere University, and Certified Child Advocate by Compassion International Leadership Development Programme (LDP).
He is certified Carbon Literate by The Carbon Literacy Project UK, an alumnus of the Global University Climate Forum.
He is member of the International Association for energy Economics (IAEE), Co-founder member of the Uganda Association for Energy Economics (UAEE), and interim committee student's representative.
Samuel is a passionate Climate Action Advocate, Researcher and Enthusiast for Green Economy! He is married man and father.

Chris is an economist working within the Youth Education and Advocacy team. He works on funds management and implementation of its program of work under formal education pillar. He previously worked for Corporate Services Division where he was instrumental in implementing Business Intelligence solutions for UNEP. Before joining UNEP, Chris worked as an analyst on air pollution on human health at a collaborative project between University of Nairobi and Columbia University.
Chris Kimani
Administration and Finance Officer and YEA focal lead in KGUN

Varenya Kumar studied Geography Honours at Miranda House College, Delhi University, where she was part of the core team initiating the Little Book of Green Nudges-related activities. She continues to contribute to the institute’s LBGN activities, interning at the office of Professor Poonam Kumria, Miranda House College.
Varenya is also currently a Green Delhi Fellow with the Delhi Government’s Department of Environment, working to implement environmental policy in India's National Capital Territory.
Varenya Kumar
Green Delhi Fellow,
Delhi Department of Environment

Poonam Kumria received her degrees from University of Delhi and University of Oslo. She has been passionately working on issues related with Environment, Climate Change, and Natural Resource Management. She has authored books, published papers in National and International Journals. She had been member of Expert Appraisal Committees in the Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change. Among the honours bestowed on her work is the 2005 “Young Geographers Award” from National Associations of Geographers of India (NAGI), “Patron of the Planet” awarded by Green Mentors/ UN Solution Summit in 2019 and in 2021“Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Teacher Award in Natural Resource Management
Poonam Kumria
Professor at Miranda House, University of Delhi

Mette works in Green Jobs Unit in the international Labour Organisation supporting constituents on topics of green jobs and just transition. In particular, she is covering work streams of private sector engagement, circular economy, and green jobs for youth. Before joining the ILO she was working for a Danish employers organisation on private sector development and job creation in more than 15 countries. Mette holds a master degree in Business and Development Studies from Copenhagen Business School.
Mette Lund
Technical Officer

Noemie Metais
Youth and Education Officer
Noemie works in the Youth, Education and Advocacy Unit in the Ecosystem Division at UN Environment headquarters in Nairobi. She focuses on both formal and non-formal education initiatives around developing green jobs for youth, as well as sports for nature. She also leads on the work around the Little Book of Green Nudges.
Previously Noémie worked with the French Development Finance Institution (AFD) in East Africa in sectors such as education and public finance management, and in the renewable energy sector. Noémie holds a Master's degree in Corporate Finance from Audencia Business School and coordinates the Climate Fresk in Kenya.
Daniel Ochieng
Coordinator - Kenya Green Universities
Network (KGUN)
Green Ambassador - Strathmore University
Daniel Ochieng is the global representative for the Kenya Green Universities Network; he is
charged with planning and implementing all the activities of the network that bring together over
60 universities in Kenya, whose combined efforts positively impact achieving sustainable
development. KGUN is the functional network of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Kenya
to incorporate environment, low carbon - climate resilience development strategies, and
sustainability aspects in their education, training, campus operations, and enhanced student
Daniel sits on boards of numerous higher education institutions in Kenya, and East Africa meant
to empower the youth on issues of awareness and empowerment. Among the institutions include
the Wanafunzi Investment Unit Trust Fund, which brings together 74 institutions to deliver an
easy-to-use student investment platform, The Malmar Knowles Family Foundation initiative; The
Kectil Program (Atlanta, Georgia) that supports Youth development programs in over 100
developing countries around the world.

Sarah Odera is a Mechanical Engineer with a MSc. in Sustainable Energy Engineering from
University of Cape Town (UCT).Sarah is the Ag. Director at the Strathmore Energy Research Centre (SERC). She is also a member of Women in Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship and is a registered graduate engineer. Her work has spanned across curriculum development and capacity building and research. She has led the development of short courses training policy makers on energy access in Kenya and coordinated the development of a Master’s program titled Sustainable Energy Transitions for Strathmore University. She has also undertaken multiple research projects in the energy sector focusing on finance of distributed renewable energy systems, energy planning and applications of renewable energy technologies among others
Sarah Odera
Research & Consultancy Manager
Strathmore Energy Research Center
Strathmore University

Sonja Leighton-Kone
Acting Deputy Executive Director of UNEP and
Director, Corporate Services Division
Sonja Leighton-Kone is the Acting Deputy Executive Director at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Director, Corporate Services Division, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya.
She has been the Director of the Corporate Services Division at UNEP since 2018, leading the organization’s strategic engagement with Member States, UN agencies and partners in global environmental financing mechanisms, resource mobilization and, financial and human resource management.
Ms. Leighton-Kone has more than 30 years of experience in international development overseeing operations in complex environments, including emerging and fragile States. As a senior member of the UNEP leadership team, she has introduced a wide range of initiatives to strengthen the organization’s systems, donor partnerships and capacity building programmes.

Carina focuses mainly on formal education initiatives including engaging youth and higher education partners through the Youth and Education Alliance (YEA!) and working on a variety of higher education focused initiatives such as decarbonizing higher education through the Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, greening campuses, influencing behaviour change on campuses, as well as driving curriculum change and biodiversity focused initiatives.
Carina Mütschele
Youth, Education and Advocacy Officer

Professor Mohammad Nurunnabi
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Professor Mohammad Nurunnabi, is the Aide to the President on Ranking and Internationalization, Director of Center for Sustainability and Climate, and Chair of the Department of Accounting at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. He is an Academic Visitor (Senior Member) of St Antony's College, University of Oxford, UK. His article on Saudi Vision 2030 was the most downloaded article after the announcement of Saudi Vision 2030.
He has published over 130 articles. He was awarded a Platinum Lever Leader by the IMA, USA. He has significantly contributed to G20 Saudi Arabia and principal investigators for several policy papers. Recently, he was invited global distinguished speakers in International Conference and Exhibition for Education (ICEE 2022), Saudi Ministry of Education; and also from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the World Bank MENA Group, USA. Regarding sustainability, he is leading the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings for Prince Sultan University, and also 1st Saudi University to Pledge Net Zero Carbon University by 2060 (Prince Sultan University) in Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges campaign is run in partnership with EAUC, Second Nature and UN Environment.

Linda Nowlan is a sustainability professional with over 25 years of experience as an environmental lawyer and NGO leader. She currently works as Senior Director at University of British Columbia Sustainability Hub, integrating operational and academic efforts in sustainability, across teaching, learning and extensive outreach and engagement activities.
Linda Nowlan
Senior Director
University of British Columbia

Iain has been CEO of EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education for 16 years. He now supports UNEP in its work with Higher Education networks and mentors and coaches sustainability leaders to inspire and empower next generation change makers.
Iain Patton
UNEP YEA! HE Networks Advisor

Zainab Rachdi
UNEP YEA! HE Networks Advisor
In Charge of the African Green Universities and Youth Education Network (AGUYEN) at the International Centre Hassan II for Environmental Training, the pedagogical entity of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection in Morocco and national coordinator of territorial Laboratories for Environmental Training.
With 3 years of working experience in education for environment and sustainable development, Zainab is responsible for managing projects involving stakeholders from public and private sector, civil society, and academia and to organize regional and international events which promotes environmental Protection, particularly among youth. Zainab coordinates the AGUYEN by planning and implementing all the activities of the network that bring together 22 universities from 8 African countries, whose combined efforts have a positive impact on achieving sustainable development and implementing best practices related to greening campuses.
Zainab has an experience in organizing capacity building sessions on topics related to sustainable development i.e, greening campuses, SDGs, biodiversity, ecosystems restauration,

Gayatri Raghwa
Environment Education Consultant
A gold medallist at the postgraduate degree course in geography, Gayatri took her M.Phil. degree from the Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, with specialization on ‘The Human Impact on the Environment’. Since then, she has been ardently committed to spreading education and awareness about the environment. She taught for several years at university and high school before devoting 15 years at the Environment Agency- Abu Dhabi, to raise the profile of environment education in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi by strategizing, designing developing and implementing environment education initiatives across all sections of the society. She has travelled widely and has represented the Agency and the UAE in several international conferences and meetings on environment education.
Many of the initiatives that she had helped start and implement at the Agency have received regional and global awards. Few of those initiatives such as Enviro- Spellathon (an eco-literacy initiative) Sustainable Schools and Sustainable Campus Initiatives are still going strong and are now nationally implemented.
She has co-authored several publications and resource materials on environmental education. She has received accolades for her efforts to promote Environment Education from across the world. In 1998, she was conferred the Amateur Naturalist Award by the Emirates Natural History Group. In 2018 she received the Outstanding environment educator award in the global category by the North American Association for environment education. (NAAEE)
She currently serves as an Environment Education Consultant for UNEP India office. She coordinates global environment educational programmes implemented by Youth, Education & Advocacy unit of UNEP and also networks with various stakeholders for India specific environment educational initiatives. Currently she is engaged with the implementation of UNEP’s Tide Turner Plastic Challenge which reaches out to youth from schools and colleges across India.
She also actively contributes as Global Vice Chair and selection committee member to the Zayed Sustainability Prize (ZSP), and as an adviser to the Global Environment Education Partnership (GEEP). She also serves as an honorary Executive Director at Wildecologue, an organisation that is committed to providing real life sustainability experiences to youth and other target audiences.

Angela María is an ecologist from Colombia, with a master’s degree in environmental sciences of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). She is currently director of the master's degree in mitigation and adaptation to climate change at Sergio Arboleda University, Colombia, and member of the management committee of ARIUSA (Alianza de redes iberoamericanas de universidades por la sustentabilidad y el ambiente/ Alliance of Ibero-American networks of universities for sustainability and the environment).
Angela María Plata Rangel
Director of Masters in Climate Change
Sergio Arboleda University

As part of her role, Debra, convenes and catalyzes leaders across business, education, communities and other sectors to create integrated SDG and climate solutions. She co-authored a UNEP Global Guidance on Education for Green Jobs and facilitates their initiative on Greening the Workforce. She heads two action groups for the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative: Education for Green Jobs and the SDG Publishers Compact Fellows program. She founded nineteen years ago and still runs networks of over sixty higher education associations for sustainability. Dr. Rowe teaches renewable energies, sustainable development and related topics, and received numerous awards, including an energy education award at MIT from C3E. She is on the Global Steering Committee for Power for All. Degrees: MBA, MA in Psychology, and PhD in Business from the University of Michigan; BA from Yale.
Dr Deb Rowe
Higher Education Sustainability Consortium

The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP has served as President of COP26, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, since his appointment in January 2021. He attends Cabinet as COP26 President, and he has previously served as Business Secretary and International Development Secretary.
Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP
President of COP26

Dr Rajendra Shende
As former Director in the UNEP, Dr Shende led the most successful OzonAction programme under the Montreal Protocol. He follows simply smart approach for addressing global challenges: ‘To think is good but to act is better’.
He was Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) of special report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that won him Nobel Peace Prize citation in 2007.
He is Senior Expert on UNEP’s Technology, Economic Assessment Panel and advisor to agencies in China, France and India.
Numerous awards that he won include two awards from USA on Climate and Ozone Layer Protection.
As Chairman of TERRE Policy Centre, he oversees global network of universities: ‘Smart Campus Cloud Network’ that promotes Carbon Neutrality. END

Shreya is working as a campaign coordinator on Mock COP and lives in Nepal. Over the past 5 years, Shreya has actively been involved in spreading awareness, advocating policies, and taking action for the climate. She was a recipient of the Youth Climate Scholarship 2019 and a delegate to COP 25. She has a keen interest in climate education and NDCs.
Shreya K.C.
Mock COP26
Campaign Coordinator

Sarah Steinberg
Senior Manager
Economic Graph Global Partnerships at LinkedIn
As Senior Manager for Global Partnerships at LinkedIn’s Economic Graph, Sarah Steinberg builds partnerships with governments and organizations around the world to harness LinkedIn’s vast data insights to understand the trends that are shaping labor markets and advance more equitable, sustainable, and resilient economies.
Prior to joining LinkedIn, Sarah led a signature $75 million global education initiative at JPMorgan Chase, a philanthropic leader dedicated to driving inclusive economic growth in communities worldwide. Through this work, she supported extraordinary local leaders in 10 communities around the world to leverage innovative new practices and policy solutions to expand access to real-world work experience, higher education, and good careers for underserved young people.
Before that, Sarah led workforce research and policy development at the Center for American Progress, including championing a groundbreaking approach to connect more young people to good jobs by dramatically expanding apprenticeships in the United States. Her work has been cited by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post, among others. She has a bachelor’s degree in government and sociology from Dartmouth College.

Hongwei Tan
Professor of Tongji University
Secretary-General of China Green University Network CGUN
Hongwei Tan was studying at The University of Tokyo in Japan from 1990 to 1995. He received his doctorate degree in architectural engineering in 1995 and came back to China to teach at Tongji university in1999.
Now, He is in charge of the research center of green building & new energy at Tongji university and the secretary-general of China Green University Network (CGUN) of China Association of Building Energy Efficiency (CABAEE). He was also one of the founders of ASCN (Asian Sustainable Campus Network) and served as its first rotating president. He has made many contributions to campus sustainable development nationally and internationally.
He is mainly engaged in research of building energy-efficiency technology, and the application of renewable energy in building technology.
He also is one of the key researchers at the Chinese national research project on green building and a chief editor of Chinese guidelines of sustainable development for campus and buildings.
He won awards for sustainable development on campus and buildings, such as:
Technology Promotion Award of 14th SHASE (The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan),2000
First prize of Scientific Progress Award Chinese high education,2008
Copper prize of China International Industry Fair 2009
Excellence in Campus award, International Sustainable Campus Network 2012
Special Prize of Shanghai Education Science and Technology Achievement, 2019
International Honorary Member of SHASE 2021
National college student entrepreneurship gold award (excellent instructor,2015,2020)

Emily works closely with UNEP and UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration to encourage universities to measure their net impacts on nature and set ambitious targets and actions to move towards “Nature Positive”. Emily is an anthropologist who has worked in sustainability for 10 years, in areas such as eco-housing, hemp textiles production, and developing a sustainability framework for One Planet Living using ecological footprinting.
Emily Stott
Nature Positive Universities Coordinator
University of Oxford

She is an interdisciplinary water professional with 23 years of experience in project management, teaching and training. She is an Electrical Engineer with Diploma in Management, and her PhD is in Participatory Water Management. She is an awardee of the University of Nairobi- IDRC Doctoral Research Grant and the Fulbright Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship by the State Department. She also serves as an advisor to the GuruJal Society, formed under the District Administration of Gurgaon and is the Member District Water Resource Planning Committee of Gurugram District in Haryana.
Dr Fawzia Tarannum
Assistant Professor
Department of Regional Water Studies at the TERI School of Advanced Studies (TERI SAS), New Delhi, India

Josh Tregale
Mock COP Author UK
Josh is a 20 year old climate campaigner studying Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London planning to specialise in renewable energy. He was an Event Coordinator at Mock COP26, an online youth led conference the year COP was postponed, which engaged over 800 young people internationally and had a media reach of over 100 million. Over the past year Josh worked as a Campaign Coordinator continuing this work and promoting youth engagement at COP. As part of this he worked on the Together for Tomorrow event at COP26, the first time education ministers have been convened at a COP. This was wrapped up by his attendance at COP26 where he supported youth engagement and engaged governments and UN agencies. Josh was appointed by the UK COP26 presidency to the Italian Government's Youth4Climate advisory Committee where he joined the Governance Team as a bridge builder for the Driving Ambition Milan summit held alongside Pre-COP.

Kelo is working as a campaign coordinator on Mock COP and lives in Nigeria.
Kelo is a Clinton Global Initiative Fellow and founder of Gray2Green Movement.
He is passionate about building a just, equitable and sustainable system. Over the past 4 years his leadership strategy in transformative activism is rooted in environmental conservation particularly climate justice and air-quality advocacy, youth engagement and grassroot mobilization for system change.
Kelo is a member of the Global Coordination Team (GCT) YOUNGO the official youth constituency of UNFCCC.
Kelo Uchendu
Mock COP26 - campaign coordinator

Kaori is a Behavioral Insights consultant based in Yokohama, Japan. She works with governments, private sectors and academic partners to apply behavioral insights into public policies in various policy areas including environmental sustainability, disaster management and health.Prior to that, she worked for Yokohama City Government and led multiple behavioral insights projects including promoting energy saving action at schools and communities. She served as one of the founding members of Yokohama Behavioral insights and design Team, the first nudge unit in Japanese local government. Kaori holds a BA from University of Tokyo and a MA from University College London, UK.
Kaori Uetake
Behavioural Insights Consultant
Yokohama Japan
Gloria’s work is focused on the design and implementation of programs and policies for environmental education, sustainable consumption and production, sustainable lifestyles, and youth. She supports the implementation of global programs in the regional context, such as the Environmental Training Network for Latin America and the Caribbean, Youth and Education Alliance (YEA!), The 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (One Planet Network), Greening the Blue Initiative and Global Opportunities for SDGs (Go4SDGs).
Gloria Ordóñez Valenzuela
Specialist in Environmental Education and Sustainable Lifestyles
Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean, UNEP

Alejandro Velasco
General Director
Colombo-German Cultural Institute Sprach Institut
Alejandro holds an MBA in Sustainable Management from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg – Germany and is researcher, docent and PhD Candidate in Educational Sciences at the University of Vechta – Germany. As a researcher at the Observatory for Sustainability in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSES-ALC) leads the topic on ESD.
He Founded the Colombo-German Cultural Institute with which he has developed different international cooperation programmes.
For more than 15 years, has been consultant for German development cooperation, carrying out different projects in Latin America and supporting the development of policies and pilots for resilience to climate change.

Priya Venkatesh
Founder Director
The Naturalist School
The School works across various demographies to instill a bias towards the wilderness and to create meaningful livelihood opportunities for the youth. A process and behavioural facilitator for over 20 years, Priya has designed experiential programmes to upskill naturalists and nature guides for the Ecotourism industry, encouraging them to explore various aspects of flora/fauna, sustainability practices, personal leadership, storytelling and team work.
Passionate about learning, she is a Master Trainer with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and has facilitated the creation of new job roles within the Indian skilling ecosystem - Nature Guide and Naturalist. In addition, she has been instrumental in curating the UGC syllabus for a Certificate and Diploma course in Wildlife and Nature Interpretation at Bangalore University. Priya also holds a certificate in Wilderness Medicine from NOLS.
An adventurer at heart, and a volunteer with WWF (India), Shikhar Outward Bound Institute and Ecoedu Consultants, she has conducted an amateur naturalist training course for University students, delivered an 'empathy towards nature' journey for international school children, dabbled in paragliding & skiing and been to the Everest Base Camp.
Having crossed both the Circles, Priya is an ambassador to Antarctica through her expedition on Climate Change and Sustainability. She is also a trainer with Bangalore Little Theatre (BLT), India's oldest English Theatre group. When she's not on stage or in the woods photographing mushrooms, Priya is busy teaching French or indulging in her newfound hobby, Découpage, an ancient French art.

Adriana Zacarias Farah
Head and Global Coordinator Go4SDGs
A graduate from Cambridge (UK), with a Masters in Environment and Development, and BSc on Political Science, from ITAM (Mexico). Adriana is an international expert on sustainable development, resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production. She joined United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2003. Adriana is currently the Head and Global Coordinator of UNEP´s initiative “Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs). She supports policies, strategies and initiatives related to green economy, circular economy, innovation for SMES and sustainable lifestyles, among other themes. GO4SDGs accelerates regional solutions for inclusive green economies and circularity and works in 3 areas: policy coherence, SME innovation and Youth Empowerment.
Before joining UNEP, Adriana worked at the OECD. Adriana has experience in environment policy development and negotiations at both national and international levels. She worked as policy adviser at the Mexican Low Chamber, and as Project Coordinator at the Mexican Ministry of Environment. Adriana has extensive experience with NGO, with an emphasis on youth and environment.

Meghan has been with AASHE since 2009 and previously held the positions of Director of Programs and STARS Program Manager. Prior to AASHE, Meghan spent over five years working at the U.S. Green Building Council where she developed and managed a local chapter network for building industry professionals and helped create the Emerging Green Builders program that integrates students and young professionals into the green building movement. Meghan also worked as Environmental Educator for the University at Buffalo Green Office, organizing campus and community education focused on energy conservation, green building, and sustainable living.
Meghan Fay Zahniser
Executive Director